aa4lr at arrl.net aa4lr at arrl.net
Thu Aug 23 15:44:44 EDT 2001

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:      0      0
   80:      0      0
   40:     18     10
   20:     68     28
   15:     12      6
   10:      2      2
Total:    100     46  =  4,600

Club/Team: SECC


Team: SECC #2

Kenwood TS-430S / AT-250 running 100 watts PEP
Homebrew K1KP voice keyer
125' doublet at 20 feet

Hopefully, this is my last contest without the beam. The tower is up to 34 
feet, and should be complete in the next couple of weeks.

Missed the first four hours of the contest because I had to attend a birthday 
party given for a friend of my seven year old daughter.  

Had modestly good rates in the middle of the day. However, by 0100z, things 
started to seriously slow down. At 0200z, searched 5 bands and could find few 
stations, called CQ on 4 bands to no effect. Finally packed it in shortly 

Conditions stank. Noise levels on 40m were S9+30 dB, and 80m was worse.  Could 
not believe I could find no one on 80m at 0200z, but no one was on 40m either.

Can't wait until January when I get to try this contest with a few real 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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