Marijan Miletic, S56A artinian at siol.net
Sun Aug 26 17:01:25 EDT 2001

  26-8-2001 SCC RTTY S56A

  Band  QSO  Point Mults
  80M     49    99    34
  40M     79   166    39
  20M    157   380    50
  15M    178   453    52
  10M     44   106    28
  All    507  1204   203

  Score = 244.412 points

Member of Radioclub "Slovenia"

Rig : IC-735 + SB-221  300 W
Ant : TH6DXX + 402BA + Dipole
FSK : P38 + 486/50 + S56A software

Comment: First SCC RTTY contest
suffered from huge magnetic storm,
this time X-rays, what is next?

Enjoyed it anyway with 5 hours sleep!

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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