[3830] CQ WW CW RU1A M/M

Vlad RW1AC RW1AC <rw1ac@mail.wplus.net>
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 20:48:45 +0300

Hello ,

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

      Call:      RU1A
      Category:  Multi Multi
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW 
      Country:   European Russia
      Zone:      16


      160      766      869     1.13     16      67    UA1ARX
       80     1149     1634     1.42     29     102    RA1ACJ,RW1AC  
       40     2301     4395     1.91     40     141    RV1AW.UT5UGR
       20     2714     6079     2.24     40     146    RU1AA,RX1AA
       15     1890     3713     1.96     40     146    RW1AC,RA1ARZ
       10     1512     3127     2.07     37     140    RN1AM,RN3AZ,UA1ANX

     Totals  10332    19817     1.92    202     742  =>  18,707,248

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.


Equipment Description:
160m: 2 el wire to 4 dir@52m, 2* bev. JA (FT1000MARKV)
80m:- 3 el yagi full size@33m, Rx's dipole, 2* bev JA,USA (FT1000MP)
40m:  4 el @43m, 3 el/3el fix EU,(FT1000MP,FT1000MP)
20m : 7 el @33m, 5 el @30m, RQ63-4 QUAD -20(FT1000MP,RA3AO)
15m: 4 x 4 el yagi H-frame spaced@36m, 5 el@28m,5 el@
14m fixed EU/SA (FT1000MP,FT1000MP)
10m: - 4 x 5 el yagi H-frame spaced@32m, 7 el@26m , 3 el el
(FT1000MP, IC738)

160: After sun flare we could not make a single QSO for some time.
During the first night worked only several USA stations and on the
last evening few Ja's.

80: It was evident , that EU RUS stations were very active- nobody
needs zone 16 and  our country!
Due to that we may have lost EA6IB,AH2R,NH0S and some others.
By daylight on Saturday there was no one station from JA
or USA LP, even some EU stations came back after 4 or 5 calls!
On Saturday night were better conditions, we managed to
get super mult TI5X/QRP,thanks.

40: Turned out to be most lucky for us: 141 countries and 40 zone.
KL7FH was heard working JA's and USA for at least 5 hours, before
he answered to us ( it was the last zone 40 on the band ).
The conditions also were very poor long time with signals close
to the noise level. The conditions on the second day were much better
for DX like H44MA ,ZK2MO ,V63A etc.

20: The pipeline on USA on the first night made it possible to get
800 qso 's first 6 hours. Unfortunately low JA activity and some
technical problems consumed some contest time. Anyhow 146 countryes
and 40 zones were done.

15: The band seams to be most difficult because antennas for 40 and 20
meters very close to 15m antenna. When both 20 mtr and 40 tx are on,
the interference on 15 m RX became too heavy to get weak signals.

10: Some difficulties with tx/rx switch on first day led 2 hours
delay. On the second day the conditions were satisfactory, although the
score was much less to be deserved.

The CQ WW contest gives a lot of fun for the team operators.
The final score is greatly depends on aurora especially on the
first day.
Congratulations  teams RW2F and DF0HQ  with good results.

Club Affiliation: RCC

    Continent Statistics
     RU1A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      7 Dec 2001  1901z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW    7   68  539 1306  428  384 2732    25.6
South America   CW    2   13   43   51   42   50  201     1.9
Europe          CW  697  901 1256 1047 1024  715 5640    52.8
Asia            CW   66  193  462  355  426  352 1854    17.3
Africa          CW    5    9   24   25   36   27  126     1.2
Oceania         CW    1    6   42   40   23   17  129     1.2


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0   118/35   117/37   113/57   139/31    21/20     1/2   509/182  509/182
   1    69/7     92/12   128/16   147/18    31/15      .     467/68  976/250
   2    62/9     73/2    125/13   153/6     22/2       .     435/32 1411/282
   3    56/4     49/9    123/8    134/3     48/11     8/8    418/43 1829/325
   4    38/1     54/6     85/9    121/8     32/15    10/7    340/46 2169/371
   5    22/3     31/2     85/6     85/8     71/13    48/21   342/53 2511/424
   6    22/0     15/2     50/2     84/13    67/8     70/13   308/38 2819/462
   7      .        .      80/1     97/7     62/13    22/13   261/34 3080/496
   8    .....    .....    28/0     76/5     77/10    20/7    201/22 3281/518
   9      .        .      29/0     76/1     85/6     47/17   237/24 3518/542
  10      .        .      26/3     76/7     82/4     78/13   262/27 3780/569
  11      .        .      45/1     58/11    96/8     53/7    252/27 4032/596
  12      .       2/1     11/0     36/6     60/3     49/6    158/16 4190/612
  13      .       4/0      5/2     17/0     45/1     58/10   129/13 4319/625
  14      .       2/3     16/6     25/4     52/4     38/2    133/19 4452/644
  15     1/0     13/1     11/2     43/3     49/4     55/2    172/12 4624/656
  16     6/0     23/5     27/7     41/4     45/3     31/6    173/25 4797/681
  17    19/0     37/5     48/2     33/7     49/2     32/0    218/16 5015/697
  18    27/0     26/0     58/3     62/0     10/0      4/3    187/6  5202/703
  19    23/2     27/2     62/4     80/2      9/3      2/0    203/13 5405/716
  20    33/2     12/2     59/3     63/2      3/0       .     170/9  5575/725
  21    29/4     50/6     71/6     51/5      1/0       .     202/21 5777/746
  22    29/1     31/2     45/1     52/1       .        .     157/5  5934/751
  23    16/1     31/1     66/4     35/3       .        .     148/9  6082/760
   0    13/1     23/3     60/0     30/3     .....    .....   126/7  6208/767
   1    18/3     20/1     45/0     18/1       .        .     101/5  6309/772
   2     7/1     26/2     22/4     19/5       .        .      74/12 6383/784
   3    20/0     19/2     28/0     37/1       .        .     104/3  6487/787
   4     9/0     20/3     23/2     21/3     17/0      3/0     93/8  6580/795
   5     6/2     33/1     35/1     18/1     59/0     45/0    196/5  6776/800
   6      .      27/4     48/0     26/2     33/0     53/0    187/6  6963/806
   7      .       7/0     22/3     35/0     42/2     63/0    169/5  7132/811
   8    .....    .....    22/0     46/0     56/2     59/1    183/3  7315/814
   9      .        .      11/1     53/0     37/2     52/4    153/7  7468/821
  10      .        .      14/1     43/2     71/3     75/1    203/7  7671/828
  11      .        .      43/4     53/1     59/6     65/3    220/14 7891/842
  12     1/0      1/0     48/1     53/3     74/5     68/12   245/21 8136/863
  13     7/0     22/5     52/2     58/0     77/5     56/8    272/20 8408/883
  14     3/0     17/3     49/2     62/0     49/4     80/3    260/12 8668/895
  15     6/2     12/2     41/2     44/1     60/3    106/6    269/16 8937/911
  16     5/0     13/2     39/0     44/2     61/1    102/0    264/5  9201/916
  17    11/0     12/1     35/0     36/3     54/3     53/2    201/9  9402/925
  18    12/0     15/0     34/0     39/1     62/3      5/0    167/4  9569/929
  19    17/2     39/1     37/0     38/1     43/2      1/0    175/6  9744/935
  20    14/3     31/0     54/1     37/0     15/0       .     151/4  9895/939
  21    20/0     49/0     66/1     52/1      4/0       .     191/2 10086/941
  22    15/0     38/2     43/0     36/0       .        .     132/2 10218/943
  23    12/0     36/1     34/0     32/0       .        .     114/1 10332/944
DAY1   570/69   689/98 1396/156 1784/155 1017/145  626/137    ..... 6082/760
DAY2   196/14   460/33   905/25   930/31   873/41   886/40      .   4250/184
TOT    766/83 1149/131 2301/181 2714/186 1890/186 1512/177      .  10332/944
BREAKDOWN in mins/QSO's per hr  RU1A  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Multi Multi

                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

     RU1A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      7 Dec 2001  1901z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

  3B8                             1           1           1           1         
3D2/r                             1                                             
   3V     1           1           1           1           1           1         
   3W                                         2           3           1         
   4J     2           1           1           1           1           2         
   4L                                         2           1                     
 4U1I                 1           1           1           1           1         
 4U1V     1           1           1           1           2                     
   4W                                                                 1         
   4X     3           2           6           3           3           6         
   5A                                         1                                 
   5B     2           3           3           2           6           3         
   5H                             2           1           1           1         
   5N                                         1           1           1         
   5R                                                     2                     
   5X                                         2                                 
   6W                                         1                                 
   6Y                 1           1           1           1           1         
   8P                 2           3           2           2           1         
   9A     5          10          21          12          10          17         
   9G                                                                 2         
   9H     1                       1           2           2           2         
   9J                                         1           1           2         
   9K                 1           1           1           1           1         
  9M2                             1           1           1           1         
  9M6                 1           3           3           1           2         
   9V                 1           1           1                                 
   9Y                             1           1                                 
   A4     1           1           2           1           2           1         
   A6     1           2           1           1           1           1         
   A9     1                                                                     
   BV                 1           4           4           4           3         
   BY                 1           9           4           5           2         
   C6                             2           1           1           1         
   CE                             5           5           1           3         
  CE9                 1           1           1           1           1         
   CM                 1           5           4           2           2         
   CN                             2           1           1           1         
   CT     2           3           4           3           5           6         
  CT3     1           1           4           2           3           2         
   CU                 1           1           1           1           1         
   CX                             2           1           3           2         
   D4                                                     1           1         
   DL   135         128         223         181         172         107         
   DU                 1           4           2           1           2         
   EA     5          20          38          30          34          38         
  EA6     1                       2           2           1           3         
  EA8     1           2           5           5           8           6         
  EA9                 1           1           1           2           1         
   EI     4           1           4           1           1           1         
                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

     RU1A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      7 Dec 2001  1901z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   EP                                                     1                     
   ER     4           2           4           1           3           2         
   ES     5           9           4           4           6           8         
   EU     9          14          12           9           7           6         
   EX     3           5           4           5           3           5         
   EY                                                     2           1         
    F    16          23          58          56          60          45         
   FG                             1           1           1                     
   FK                             3           1           1           1         
   FM                                         2                       1         
   FR                             2           1           3           1         
   FY                                         1           1           1         
    G    40          42          73          41          49          26         
   GI     2           2           3           3           2           2         
   GJ                 1           2           1           1           1         
   GM     2           3          10           6           3           3         
 GM/s     1           1           1           1           1           1         
   GU     1           1           4           3           3           1         
   GW     7           7           6           6           6           3         
   H4                             1           1                                 
   HA    16          27          30          27          40          22         
   HB     5          11          15          11          13          12         
   HC                                         1           1           1         
  HC8                 1           1           1           1           1         
   HI                             4           2           3           1         
   HK                 1           1           2           1           1         
HK0/a                                         3           1           1         
   HL                 3          15           6           5           7         
   HP                                                                 1         
   HS                             1           2           4           4         
   HZ                                                     1           2         
    I    16          17          48          44          42          34         
   IS                 1           3           4           2           3         
  IT9                                         1           1           3         
   J3     1           1           1           1           1           1         
   J7                             1                                             
   J8                 1           1           1           1                     
   JA    12          78         295         204         278         226         
   JT                 2           3           1           1           2         
   JW                                         1                                 
   JY     1           1           1           1           1           1         
    K     4          53         470         1185        367         344         
  KH0                             3           1           1                     
  KH2                             1           3           1           2         
  KH6                             2           2           2           1         
   KL                             1           6           2                     
  KP2                             3           1           2           1         
  KP4                 2           6           1           3           4         
   LA     6           9          15          13           9           6         
   LU                 1           8          16           8          16         
                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

     RU1A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      7 Dec 2001  1901z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   LX     3           4           4           4           4           1         
   LY    20          28          24          20          15          13         
   LZ     4           8          11          11          15          22         
   OA                             3           2           2           1         
   OD                 1           1                                             
   OE     6           5           8          10           5           3         
   OH    26          41          40          29          29          22         
  OH0     2           1           3           1           2           3         
   OK    70          84          95          85         108          48         
   OM    15          24          32          30          29          18         
   ON     8          14          24          13          11          12         
   OY                 1           1           3           1           1         
   OZ     6           9          14           9          12           7         
   P4     1           3           2           3           2           1         
   PA    13          20          27          18          19          12         
  PJ2                 1           2           2           2           2         
   PY                 4          12          11          15          17         
 PY0F     1           1           1           2           1           1         
   PZ                                                                 1         
   S2                             1                                             
   S5    17          30          32          30          33          29         
   SM    25          29          41          39          21          15         
   SP    44          49          67          68          58          37         
   SU                             1                       1                     
   SV                 2           4           7           2           5         
  SV5                             2           1           1                     
   T8                 1           1                                             
   T9     1           3           8           6           3           2         
   TA     2           1           1                       1                     
   TF                             1           5           2           1         
   TG                                                                 1         
   TI                 1           3           2           2           2         
   TK                             1           1           1           1         
   UA    59          80          75          49          40          22         
  UA2     3           2           2           4           4           3         
  UA9    34          73          92          91          85          67         
   UK                 1           4           3           1           1         
   UN     3          12           9          15           9           8         
   UR    59          85          84          71          62          32         
   V2                 1           1           1           1           2         
   V4                 1           2           2           2           1         
   V6                             1           1                                 
   VE     2           3          29          81          28          13         
   VK     1           2           8          13           6           5         
  VP5                             2           2           2           1         
  VP9                             1           2           1           1         
  VQ9                 2           1           1           1           1         
   VR                 1           2                                   2         
   VU                 1           2           1           2           2         
   XE                             2           4           3           2         
                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

     RU1A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      7 Dec 2001  1901z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   XT     1           1           1           1           1           1         
   XU                             1           1           1           1         
   YB                             6           6           4           3         
   YI                                                     1           1         
   YL    14          14          16          10          16          10         
   YN                                         1           1           1         
   YO     9           9          19          16          21          14         
   YU     9          20          32          37          29          23         
   YV                             4           2           3           1         
   Z3                 4           4           3           4           3         
   ZA                             1                                             
  ZC4     1           1           1           2           2           1         
  ZD8     1           1           1           1           1           1         
  ZD9                             1           1           1           1         
   ZF                 1                                   1           1         
  ZK2                             1           1           1                     
   ZL                 1           7           6           5                     
   ZS                             1           1           6           3         


This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Slava Osipov  RU1A
               P.O.Box 1
               St.Petersburg,   198261

 Vlad RW1AC


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com