[3830] ARRL160 K8ND SO HP

jmaass@columbus.rr.com jmaass@columbus.rr.com
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 13:36:07 -0500 (EST)

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: K8ND
Operator(s): K8ND
Station: K8ND

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19:14

          QSOs  Sections  Countries
Total:    1098     77       11      =  196,944

Club/Team: Mad River Radio Club (MRRC)


Alpha 91B
Tx Ant: Inverted-L (45' vertical), ~100 radials
Rx Ant:  Shorty 2-wire Beverages
             ~400 foot NE/SW
             ~440 foot E/W
(All on 200x400 foot lot)


Missed: AK, NWT, VI.

DX Worked (11 mults/14 QSOs):
    CO, HA, HI, OK, PY(2), PY0F, V4, VP5, XE (2), YV, ZF (2).

HG3M, both PYs, both XEs, and YV7QP answered my CQs.
The others were found during checks of the (no longer fashionable)
DX Window (all with one call!). Conditions were such that I chose
to use my time CQing rather than S&P looking for multipliers
as much as I normally would. Biggest surprise was call from HG3M.

How could OK5DX be *so loud*, and only one (two?) other EU
heard here?

I heard people calling GM3POI, and heard his suffix at the bottom
of the window around his sunrise, but never heard anything else
out of him. I threw in my call, but didn't hear any reply or anyone
else call him after I did, so he likely went QRT.

A quick scan of 3830 reports shows that the East Coast Advantage
is in heavy play this year!


I planned a part-time effort, and put in more time than expected
with my station only partly intact.

It was fun, with full-hour rates over 100 for three hours, and over
90 for three others. I saw rate meter numbers over 220 for
several minutes at a time.

Noise seemed fairly low both nights, even with rain in the area
Friday night. For some reason, noise picked up in Ohio Saturday
after 11PM, although the rain had moved to the (deserving) East

Unfortunately, I was sleep-deprived and stressed going in on Friday,
and crashed early (0615Z). Rates were still above 40 S&P at
that point, and I should have kept going through dawn. Another
mistake was laying down at 1000Z this morning, planning to
get up at 1200Z for sunrise activites. Slept right through three
alarms. I see in retrospect that some VKs were spotted by
others this morning, and VK6HD reports having worked 80
stations through S9 noise.

Not a great result, but much better than I expected! 

Congrats to Bill W4AN at W8JI for another Legendary result!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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