[3830] ARRL160 NO2R SO HP

no2r@eclipse.net no2r@eclipse.net
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 14:54:52 -0500 (EST)

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: NO2R
Operator(s): NO2R
Station: NO2R

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): abt 10

          QSOs  Sections  Countries
Total:     522     62        7      =  73,692

Club/Team: Frankford


Spent abt 6 months getting ready for this one,but Murphy struck early.By 
10:00PM local time I was down to abt 5 watts output.Had a high SWR condition 
that was not showing on the load port of the hybrid coupler.After I let every 
cool for abt 10 minutes I could operate again only to have the same condition 
after 5 minutes.Went out in the woods to try and find the problem,took out the 
coupler,bypassed the antenna switch,tried using a single element and all with 
the same result.Bagged it at 1:00AM.Got up at sunrise at tore everything 
apart.Had 2 burned Amphenol tees in the matching sections to the "L"'s.Repaired 
all,replaced my fried SWR meter and was ready for Sundown.Well I have 500 KV 
pwer lines that run parallel to my property abt 500 feet away.Normally they are 
quinot a problem.Well it has not rained here in abt 3 months and it started on 
Saturday afternoon and went right thru the night,that was the final nail in the 
coffin because whenever it rains or snows the 500 KV lines roar with abt a 20 
over line noise condition on any antenna.Now I could TX but could not hear 
anything but the strongest stations.To make matters worse I could not stay 
connected to 2 meter packet because of the rain and my ISP went down Friday 
night and did not come back on line till Sunday AM so had no chance to make a 
telnet connection.I hope this is bottom.  Pete NO2R

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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