[3830] N4UK M/S ARRL 160M Contest

n4uk@mindspring.com n4uk@mindspring.com
Sun, 09 Dec 2001 09:44:52 -0500

  The first test of the new antenna system and new beverage antennas @ N4UK.

Operators- AA4NN, AA4S, N4UK
Ant- 1/4wl vertical, 46 1/4wl radials. Rx antennas- 500 ft beverages.
Rigs=FT1000mps,Amp=AL1200@1.2kw. Software=CT V9
Still have some antenna improvements to make towards my long, long, long
journey to hear as well as W8JI.

N4UK M/S HP -Section=SC
QSOS- 1207
Sections-76 (missed AK,MB,NWT,KP2)
Contest Affiliation- South East Contest Club
Not as much DX as I'd have liked to have worked but we really didn't do
much searching for it and the telnet spots were thin with DX. Breaking DX
pileups was fairly easy but needed more to break!
After the first night we had 900 Qs and we were hoping to work half of that
the second night or break at least 1300 Qs but could only manage another 300
or so on the second night. Not very good for the second night. I need a better
antenna for receiving towards Europe....
At least it was very quiet for the duration of the contest. Nice not to hear
static crashes.
73, and thanks to all who worked us, Ken, n4uk 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com