[3830] CQWW CW OK5W M/S HP

Zdeno Sterbacek sterbacek at renegade.cz
Sun Dec 2 12:46:01 EST 2001

                CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

       Call:      OK5W
       Category:  Multi Single
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      CW
       Country:   Czech Republic
       Zone:      15


    160       67      101     1.51     11      63
     80      595      982     1.65     23      94
     40     1091     2331     2.14     37     121
     20      682     1457     2.14     40     137
     15     1189     2767     2.33     40     140
     10     1052     2433     2.31     39     149

   Totals   4676    10071     2.15    190     704  =>  9,003,474

Operator List: OK1 AEZ, AMX, AAU, CF, DDO, FKD, MJA, RK, WF
                OK2 ZW
Support: OK1AMX, AAU, FKH, MJA

Equipment Description:
FT-1000MP, IC-756, 2x TS-850S, TS-930S, TS-950SDX

160 - vertical
  80 - sloper system
  40 - 2 el. Y
  20 - 5 el. Y
  15 - 6 over 6
  10 - 6 over 6

Alpha 91 and couple of home brew amps.

DX-clusters killing real contesting. It is unbelievable
what happened on the frequency of the spoted station.
Just want to remind especially to EU guys that ham radio
and contesting is still a hobby!

What a pity that Mr. Murphy switched-off condx on Saturday...
Sunday was much better with some really nice runs.
Worked XE on 20m as double-head multi just 3 minutes before
the end for the last zone on this band :-) but missed KL7
on 10m :-(
All in all it was a lot of fun as every contest with this
If you need QSL card, send it via OK1AEZ.

73! CU other contests
Zdeno, OK2ZW & OK5W gang.

Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz).
Verze: 6.0.303 / Virová báze: 164 - datum vydání: 24.11.2001

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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