[3830] ARRL160 N1EU SO HP
n1eu at yahoo.com
n1eu at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 9 11:29:29 EST 2001
ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: N1EU
Operator(s): N1EU
Station: N1EU
Class: SO HP
QTH: Delmar, NY
Operating Time (hrs):
QSOs Sections Countries
Total: 915 71 20 = 176,085
Club/Team: YCCC
Contesting the first night and second night were entirely different
experiences. Between the well running dry and conditions deteriorating,
Saturday night got to be a bit grueling, to say the least. But Friday night's
action was pretty darn good. Things got off with a bang as 111 qso's were
logged in the first hour.
It hasn't been a great Topband season so far, so Saturday night's propagation,
especially to the west coast, and low noise levels were welcome surprises. A
decent european sunrise opening materialised and 22 european stations were
logged in those 90 minutes.
It didn't take long to realize the second night would be a different story.
The early evening was spent alternating between watching paint dry and reading
VY2ZMM's rave signal reviews from european packet spots (nice going Jeff).
Noise levels were significantly higher, especially on the NE/SW Beverage.
Without a moment's hesitation, I turned off the rig for 3-1/2 hours to watch
some great Tennessee-LSU football action. Still harboring some dim hope of dx
with european sunrise approaching, I got back in the chair and plugged away.
Well, not a single european station was heard anytime during the second night.
QSO rate was less than low, so off to bed. Pre-sunrise action Sunday morning
continued at less than a snail's pace. I entertained myself watching the W9YK
and K5PI spotbots move up and down the band consistently missing my run signal.
Yikes. The one very bright spot was somehow pulling Mike's down-under signal
out from the noise after switching from the NW to SW Beverage. Thanks to Mike
for likewise pulling me out from the formidable pileup.
Regrets go out to all those I couldn't pull out from the high noise level
Sunday morning and thanks to all those who called in for qso's, and especially
those who obliged my many "agn" requests.
DX worked: CO, DL, G, GM, GW, HA, LY, OK, OM, ON, PA, PY, PY0, V47, VK, VP5,
Equipment: FT-1000MP, Alpha 99
Inverted L with elevated radials
NE/SW and NW/SE switchable 580ft Beverages
Barry N1EU
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