[3830] ARRL160 N2NT SO HP

nantare at home.com nantare at home.com
Sun Dec 9 20:51:21 EST 2001

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: N2NT
Operator(s): N2NT
Station: N2NT

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Radios: SO2R

          QSOs  Sections  Countries
Total:     745     72       10      =  125378

Club/Team: FRC


Just a casual effort, mostly on Sat night.
Put up a new inv L, and was playing with it.
Has some potential, great ant for the west coast.
Doesn't work a hoot into EU, but I think the tower is acting as a reflector.
Another project for the winter...

Congrats to W4AN for a huge score! I wonder if it is close to the VY2ZMM score? 
With all those EU stations Jeff can work, probably not.

73, Andy

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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