[3830] ARRL10 NA9D SO SSB LP

na9d at speakeasy.net na9d at speakeasy.net
Sun Dec 16 19:05:53 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: NA9D
Operator(s): NA9D
Station: NA9D

Class: SO SSB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 27:45

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
  SSB:   1182    132
Total:   1182    132  =  312,048

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters


All in all a good weekend.  Totally blew away my previous best score in the 
SOLP SSB only category.  So I am happy.

Had the weirdest thing happen though:  My neighbor came over around 3:30 Sunday 
afternoon and complained that I was getting into his phones, his TV, radio, 
etc.  He also said that I was getting into everything of all the other 
neighbors around him.  Now, I live in a sub-division where the lots are rather 
large and it's a long ways to the other neighbors!  I don't know if he was 
BSing me to get me to shut up or what.  One neighbor whom he said had to shut 
off his TV had it on for the last two hours of the contest.  I could see it 
through the trees!  I can imagine I might get into his phone, but the other 
stuff - on 150 Watts?  C'mon....And I've run QRO w/o a single complaint for 2 
years now....Oh well.......

Fun time though.  Picked up a couple of all time new ones.



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