[3830] ARRL 10m ZC4BS mixed Low Power

Steve B stephen.b at cytanet.com.cy
Sun Dec 16 18:45:06 EST 2001

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                     ARRL 10m  Contest  (Mixed / Low Power)
Call: ZC4BS
Operator(s): ZC4BS
Station: ZC4BS

Class: SO10 LP
QTH: Eastern Sovereign Base,  Cyprus
Operating Time (hrs): =B19

  Band      QSOs   Pts  Mults
    10cw:    674   2096  81
    10ssb:   243     486  53
Total:    917    3182   132  =3D  420,024pts


Running 100w into a GP is hard work, even with a decent callsign, unable =
to put a beam up at QTH.

Still a very enjoyable contest and very pleased with the score after =
only 9 hours operating.

See u next year as G4KIV  !!!!

Steve  ZC4BS

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com

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