[3830] ARRL10 VE7IN SO Mixed LP

VE7IN-Earl at shaw.ca VE7IN-Earl at shaw.ca
Sun Dec 16 20:20:18 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: VE7IN
Operator(s): VE7IN
Station: VE7IN

Class: SO Mixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 20.75

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:    251     78
  SSB:    618     89
Total:    869    167  =  374,748



First time in a long time for me to do a mixed entry. I truly enjoyed moving 
from one mode to the other especially looking for mults(still working on my CW 
as A few will atest to the need).

Conditions here seemed reasonable, nice to see opening to Europe both mornings.
Also nice to have heat in the house again with new furnace, although on Friday 
power had gone out here sometime early in the morning and didn't come on till 
about 15:30 local time(1/2 hour before contest) so I was unable to start the 
contest until about an hour later.

Working setup here is FT-1000D, Antennas are sidemounted 4 element(W2PV 
configuration) at 35 feet and a 3 element fixed NW at 70 feet.

Also discovered that sidemount rotor isn't indicating proper direction, its off 
by about 30 degrees, guess some of the severe winds we have had here have moved 
the gate in the rotor, for those of you that know HAM style rotors and how they 
are not exactly speed demons or power houses but generally do a reasonable job 
can imagine my surprise when I wanted to move the antenna from East up North a 
bit to try for the 9Q0 and the wind must have caught the swinging gate I have 
never seen the needle move so fast. Scary.

Thanks all for the Q's.

Best of Season Greetings to All from the VE7IN household.

73 Earl VE7IN

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