[3830] ARRL10 ZF2NT SO CW HP

zf2nt at candw.ky zf2nt at candw.ky
Mon Dec 17 07:41:45 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: ZF2NT
Operator(s): ZF2NT
Station: ZF2NT

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   2748    139
  SSB:      0      0
Total:   2748    139  =  1,527,888

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Equipment:  FT-1000MP, Acom 2000A, Bencher Skyhawk at 65'.  All worked 
flawlessly, though the amp did fault out a few times when the wind bent the 
elements on the Skyhawk around and sent the SWR sky high.

This one was a blast.  Only real problem was some idiot on KH0 who refused to 
work me...said he only wanted NA!  I kept arguing that I WAS NA, but he didn't 
believe me.  Finally he decided to blow me off, and said OK UR 5NN 001!  Then I 
had to beg to get the serial number in sequence, which by that time was all the 
way to 159.  Oh well.  Really, guys, ZF is North America.

I have about 800 contacts in the middle of my log where the time is off by 10 
hours and 3 minutes.  Basically, the clock on the computer died Saturday night 
when I shut down for the night, and I didn't notice it until late Sunday 
afternoon.  Is there any kind of TR utility to fix this?  This is a standard TR 
.dat format log.  I probably won't even bother trying to send this one to the 
ARRL after all the grief I had last week trying to get them to accept my 160m 
contest log, but I do need to get the times right for my QSL manager.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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