ki5dr at arrl.net ki5dr at arrl.net
Mon Dec 17 09:30:06 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: K5NA
Operator(s): KI5DR

Class: SO SSB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 32

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:      0      0
  SSB:   2500    141
Total:   2500    141  =  705,000



I had a wonderful time!  It's always nice to be able to sleep through the night 
(except for T-storms Sunday).  It seemed like the band was up and down like 
waves, for a few minutes stations were S9, then Nothing, then back up again.  
DX activity seemed lower this year, not as many Europe and JA.  My first time 
working China during the contest! This was likely due to this being a huge 
improvement over last year's effort - Last year 100w and Phased verticals at 
30ft, this year HP and high beams at 100ft, 5el mono and Cushcraft X9 on 
separate towers.

It rained at the site almost all day Saturday, and ended Sunday morning. We 
were EXTREMELY lucky that the only lightning came around 3am local time Sunday, 
and we had to disconnect everything for a couple hours.  Nothing was hit.  I 
wish I could say the same for W5KFT, they took some damage.

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10SSB    2507        2500       5000      61        80 

 Totals     2507        2500       5000      61        80 

    Final Score = 705000 points.

73's everyone and look forward to next year!


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