[3830] ARRL10 W5MX SO CW HP

bydal at kih.net bydal at kih.net
Mon Dec 17 10:53:46 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: W5MX
Operator(s): W5MX
Station: W5MX

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 25.5

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1407    144
Total:   1407    144  =  811,008

Club: Kentucky Contest Group


QRN is terrible here towards EU,SA and AF. Have been battling with the power 
company for a while now to no avail. It hurts me in quite a few contests, and 
this one is no exception. Then I had to take my daughter to a school function 
which cost me 2 hrs of prime operating time. The xyl had to work all weekend so 
the kids were here with me all day both days. Anyone with 3, knows how much 
they can bug a guy in a contest. About every hour it was something...."she's 
hitting me" or "he won't let me play with whatever" (even though its a toy they 
haven't touched in months!) oh well, hihi. Is that enough excuses? I had lots 
of fun anyways and I am satisfied with my score. I just bought a new TS870 
Wednesday and was becoming familiar with it as well during the contest. So far 
I love it, the filtering is great and the AIP feature helped somewhat with the 
QRN. Thanks for all the Q's and see ya'll in the next contest!
                         73's Bryan W5MX

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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