[3830] ARRL 10 KD0S M/S HP

Jim Zahradnicek kd0s at home.com
Mon Dec 17 00:41:52 EST 2001

CW  499 X 97
SSB 1174 X 128
TOTAL  1673 X 225 FOR 977,400


Started late because of work with several interruptions during the =
contest. 2 antennas were still on the ground at the beginning of the =
contest and remain there. OPs had trouble finding free time also. But =
this is the first time I can remember on the ARRL 10 that there were =
plenty of people yet to work at the end of the contest. Usually near the =
end of the contest there is no fresh meat for us in SD but this time it =
was everywhere.. Of course we usually make 6 to 700 more contacts..hi

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