[3830] ARRL10 WQ5W SO CW LP

WQ5W at arrl.net WQ5W at arrl.net
Mon Dec 17 12:28:39 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: WQ5W
Operator(s): WQ5W
Station: WQ5W

Class: SO CW LP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 27.7

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1325    137
Total:   1325    137  =  727,744

Club: North Texas Contest Club


Rig:  TS-850S
Ant:  TH-7 @ 55’

This one turned out a lot better than it looked on Friday.  The weather 
forecast on Friday predicted thunderstorms starting Saturday and lasting all 
weekend.  I don’t operate during thunderstorms, so I figured the contest would 
be a washout (literally).  Still, I decided to give it a shot. 

I kept an eye on the weather radar all weekend.  On Saturday we had 
thunderstorms to the west and to the east, but all we got was a brief shower 
late Saturday afternoon.  I disconnected all the antennas Saturday night after 
the band died.  Good thing, since the skies opened up about an hour later and 
we had heavy thunderstorms all night long.  Fortunately, we had a break in the 
rain when I woke up Sunday and I reconnected without losing any time.  During 
the middle of my Sunday EU run, the heavy rain returned, but with no thunder.  
It did cause a lot of static, so I lost a lot of Q’s on signals I could have 
copied easily on Saturday with no rain static.  I did have to QRT Sunday 
afternoon for about 30 minutes when a shower with thunder came through. 

Since I thought I would have limited operating time, I made a concentrated 
effort on S&Ping for mults.  The strategy seemed to pay off as I ended up 3 
more mults than last year.  Even though I made 17 less Q’s I still ended up 
with a raw score almost 7K higher than last year’s total.

Worked all 50 states and all VE provinces except for LAB, NWT and YT.  Toughest 
DX mult was XE2AC who stuck with me for about 3 minutes to pull me out of the 

Worked more JA’s than I did last year, but didn’t hear much else from Asia 
other than UA0’s.  Also seemed like there were far fewer Caribbean/SA stations 
on and Africa was almost nonexistent.  Found it interesting that my biggest EU 
QSO count came from OK-even more than DL!

Operated 27.7 hours, which is about 24 hours more than I thought I would get 
going in.  Conditions seemed as good as last year, maybe even a little better.  
This is probably my favorite contest when conditions are good since even the 
little guys get to experience steady good rate throughout the contest.  We 
ended up with about 4 inches of rain this weekend, which made it nice to have 
something fun to do indoors.  Thanks to all for the Q’s!

Alan, WQ5W

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