w.knol at niwa.cri.nz w.knol at niwa.cri.nz
Wed Dec 19 00:43:12 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: ZL6QH
Operator(s): ZL2BSJ
Station: ZL6QH

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 34

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1347    115
Total:   1347    115  =  619,620

Club: WARC


A most enjoyable contest, until the computer blew up, just after
breakfast. It must have been a case of 'F1' once too often, and the old
386 died a horrible death with 'parity error at memory location 0x02'

Clearly a good time for a Blind, Headless-Chicken Panic: 100 km/hr on
country roads to get back to civilisation, the ripped-out hard-disk tossed
on the passenger seat. At home, another equally dodgy computer was levered
open, the disk added and the log recovered. 

A couple of hours later, I was back in CQ-ing action, using the trusty
laptop for logging.

On another matter...I had this great brainwave: perhaps there should be
an award for the station who called CQ most often. This could be really 
exciting: double-banger CQs adding to the CQ multiplier count...and penalty 
points for calling on top of others.

Guess we would have to watch out for CQ cheats (calling continuously at
300 WPM into dummy loads)...hmmm, maybe not such a good idea.

Wilbert, ZL2BSJ

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