[3830] ARRL10 TK5T M/S HP

tk5t at free.fr tk5t at free.fr
Wed Dec 19 04:26:33 EST 2001

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: TK5T
Operator(s): F5IQA F6GRC F6HYE F6IOC F6IRF
Station: TK5T

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Corsica
Operating Time (hrs): 27.4

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1351    124
  SSB:   1359    132
Total:   2710    256  =  2,080,256



The unexpected "cape horn" weather conditions (*) did not make easy a 
"field-day style" operation! 
With accumulated snow and ice and exceptional high winds, the 105BA at 8 meters 
fell and broke before the start of the contest.  By chance the second antenna 
(4 elements) decided to slide down on the mast, at about 5 meters (height of 
the guying plate) which saved the mast from bending. 
With a single antenna at 5 meters, a very noisy south sector, and no DX-cluster 
or multiplier spotting we honestly did not expect such a score, but the 
maritime "take off" to the north sector and the "magic power" of the call sign 
made up for our modest single antenna.
Last but not least, we are most grateful to Guy, our logistic and generator 
specialist who managed to maintain the electrical power to the station while a 
part of the island was in the dark...
Thanks for the QSO's, and see you next year on the air for this great 
contest... (QSL via F5IQA - ur comments at tk5t at free.fr) - The TK5T "crazy 
frenchmen" team.

(*) Corsica island normally benefits from a mild Mediterranean climate where 
snow at the sea level does not appear more than once every 3 decades...

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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