wo1n at arrl.net wo1n at arrl.net
Sat Dec 22 00:13:18 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: K1TTT
Station: K1TTT

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Peru, Ma.
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     85     11     21
   80:    323     20     76
   40:    850     29    108
   20:   1364     40    135
   15:   1272     36    130
   10:   1111     34    125
Total:   5005    170    595  =  10,681,695

Club/Team: YCCC


I can't let this one go without a couple of comments. After a great start
 Friday night we could tell something was amiss during the overnight hours.
 KB1PZ ventured outside about 2:00 AM local and came back in to grab us.
 We abandoned all stations to view real life auroura. This was a first in my
 lifetime, one of the advantages of volunteering for the overnight shift!

 We were missing 2/3's of the Russian Connection, at least one
 defected to the J3A operation. We brought along NF1D, W1DSW and KB1PZ
 to help fill the chairs. Dan, W1DSW, the son of last years accuracy top
 gun W1ES, is 15 years old. I'm guessing will be a force to be reckoned with
 in the next couple of decades. He did some of his first contest running this
 weekend and was holding his own at 70-80 an hour.

 Mike, KB1PZ is a recent find of ours. OK, maybe he found us, what-ever.
 Guess what, he knows the code. Threw him to the wolves and he had an
 answer for them. Great frequency management skills to boot. What a great
 find emanating the back woods of New Hampshire. He's gone off and
 purchased himself some contesting software and so far hasn't missed a test
 since CQWW!

 We were watching the Solar Weather feeds all day Saturday and were pretty
 confident Sunday was going to recover and be gang busters. OK, the X class
 flare just before our dawn had us a little concerned, but Sunday turned
 out great as everyone has reported. Naturally our Q totals were down a bit,
 but Dave's station played great and reflected a lot of the hard work he has
 put into it over the past year. We got to wring out some rookies
 and we will be back better than ever next year!


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