[3830] CQ 160 DX Exchange Survey

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Fri Dec 28 11:26:43 EST 2001

        The CQ 160 Contests currently use a DX exchange which consists
of RST + country abbreviation.  The latter is redundant with the callsign 
and is sometimes confusing since some operators use abbreviations and 
some use prefixes (e.g. "ER" can be European Russia or it can be Moldova).
Starting with the 2003 running of the contest, the CQ 160 Committee is
considering changing the DX exchange ONLY and would like your input. 
Remember that you must correctly copy this exchange through heavy QRM, 
QSB and QRN and it should be easily recognizable for casual contest 
participants that haven't read the latest rules.

NOTE: CQ does NOT intend to change the character or record comparability 
of the most successful worldwide 160 contest (e.g. change the scoring 
based on Grid Square distance like the Stew Perry).

Which of the following do you prefer for the DX exchange in additon to RST:

      o Leave "as is" (abbreviations...SI for Slovenia, ER for Russia, etc) 
      o Nothing (RST only as in ARRL 160) 
      o Output power (Watts) 
      o Age 
      o Grid Square 
      o Serial number 
      o Zone (WAZ or ITU) 

Please vote at  http://www.contesting.com/  (bottom of page...NOT HERE!)

                                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  A similar survey in March resulted in the CQ Committee implementing
a time format change including consideration of an operating time limit 
so they DO consider your inputs!

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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