[3830] Stew Perry K1FK SO HP

dbowker at blackfly.sjv.net dbowker at blackfly.sjv.net
Sun Dec 30 13:33:17 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: K1FK
Operator(s): K1FK
Station: K1FK

Class: SO HP
Grid Square: FN57
Operating Time (hrs): 8

QSOs:  133  Score: 454



61 fewer QSO's and 600 less points less than last year's SP for the same amount 
of time invested!  Ran low-power for most of contest after loosing the amp 
right after contest start!  Conditions here in northern Maine were the worst 
I've observed in many months, perhaps years.  Visable aurora, disturbed 
conditons (was watching the composite Canadian Magnetic Observatory magnetic 
field plots and SEC auroral oval plots as the contest progressed, and they just 
got worse as the contest progressed), and generally weak signals all around 
except from north-eastern states, took their toll on DX points.  Only DX worked 
was EA6, ON, 4X, FM, G's, XE (all barefoot).  XJ1NA's signal this morning was 
unbelievably strong at S9+30 dB on SW Beverage, and equally strong on the 
1/4-wave vertical!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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