[3830] Stew Perry WV7U SO HP

hanko at oneimage.com hanko at oneimage.com
Sun Dec 30 14:34:25 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: WV7U
Operator(s): WV7U
Station: WV7U

Class: SO HP
Grid Square: dn70
Operating Time (hrs): 9

QSOs:  256  Score: 1



Got a few more QSOs than last year anyway, don't know about score.  Only DX 
worked was KH6, EA8, XE and FM.  Was disappointed not to hear any JA this time. 
 Thanks for the QSOs.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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