[3830] Stew Perry VE7IN SO LP

VE7IN-Earl at shaw.ca VE7IN-Earl at shaw.ca
Sun Dec 30 15:22:01 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: VE7IN
Operator(s): VE7IN
Station: VE7IN

Class: SO LP
Grid Square: CN89
Operating Time (hrs): 2.75

QSOs:   34  Score: 122

Club: BCDX Club


First time I have been able to even dabble in the Stew Perry TBDC.I hope to 
have some listening type of antennas for next year. The band seemed fairly 
quiet here from a noise perspective. Sure glad there was a couple of Hawaiians 
or there wouldn't have been much distance contacted from here.I had a lot of 
fun for the short time on, I want to be back next year. Top Band is always a 
Thanks all for the Q's.

Happy New Year.

73 Earl VE7IN

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