[3830] Stew Perry K0OU SO LP

km0l at tfs.net km0l at tfs.net
Sun Dec 30 17:09:08 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: K0OU
Operator(s): K0OU
Station: K0OU

Class: SO LP
Grid Square: EM28
Operating Time (hrs): Dunno

QSOs:   52  Score: 280

Club: Society Midwest Contesters


Rig: TS-940S -> invL (60' up 65' out)

Didn't work this contest. Came into hamshack and made a couple of contacts 
during time-outs of the KU basketball game Saturday night. 
Only one 10 pt contact - K6TA - nice ears. Called N6RO for quite a while but 
only got a couple of ?'s. Heard FM5BH very well but not able to break the 
pile-up with the barefoot transciever running about 90 watts.
Tnx to all for the few Q's I made and to the sponsor for a nice activity during 
the holiday season. CU all in the NAQP's coming up.
73 de K0OU Steve in KC

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