[3830] Stew Perry NB1B(@W1KM) SO HP

nb1b at mediaone.net nb1b at mediaone.net
Sun Dec 30 20:37:55 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: NB1B
Operator(s): NB1B
Station: W1KM

Class: SO HP
Grid Square: FN41
Operating Time (hrs): 12

QSOs:  264  Score: 1,184

Club: YCCC


Activity this year seemed to be down from last year, or maybe it was 
propagation.  The Europeans were there, but they were all weak.  4X3A was 
audible here for over 3 hours, but I never heard him work another US station 
other than me despite a number of callers.  No DX west of here- not even a pip. 
 My apologies to anyone to my west that I couldn't hear- you had to be S5 to 
get over the noise level on the west beverage.  There were 44 DX stations 
worked, all but 4 of them a struggle.  FM5BH, OQ4UN, ZF2NT and G0IVZ were all 
loud and audible for hours here.

DX Worked- Asia: 4X3A
Caribean/SAmer: ZF, PY2, FM
Africa: ZS, EA8
First DX- OQ4UN @ 2135Z    
Best DX- ZS6UT, 26 pts, next best 4X3A 18 pts

Station: IC765, Military Surplus Amp (1100watts), 160M 4-square hung around a 
tower for xmit, 580ft NE beverage and 290ft W beverage

Thanks for the Qs, and HNY to all!

Dennis NB1B

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