[3830] Stew Perry WQ5L SO HP

rocker at datasync.com rocker at datasync.com
Mon Dec 31 05:21:00 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: WQ5L
Operator(s): WQ5L
Station: WQ5L

Class: SO HP
Grid Square: EM50
Operating Time (hrs): 5

QSOs:  105  Score: 105



So... is there an award for newest antenna? <grin> 'Twas such a beautiful 
Saturday afternoon here that upon seeing the Stew Perry reminder in my mailbox 
I thought "what the hell, maybe I can whip something up and make a few Qs".

Scavenged some wire and 15 year old used coax from the shed, put together a 
dipole, and hung it inverted vee style in a pine tree with the feed point at 
about 35'. Got it in the air about an hour before sunset. Did use my amp which 
delivers about 500 watts, thus the high power classification.

Didn't manage any intercontinental QSOs but did hear PY2FUS quite well, and 
KH6ND. QRN was not too much of a problem.

It was nice to be back on Top Band from home. 73/HNY,

-- Ray WQ5L

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