[3830] Stew Perry RW4PL SO HP

Andrey Markelov rw4pl at mi.ru
Mon Dec 31 14:06:21 EST 2001

Call :  RW4PL
Category: SOHP

 BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   

  160CW      110         110        552 

 Totals      110         110        552 

    Final Score = 552 points.


 Condition was VERY VERY POOR. 

Not JA( usually many JA's 559-599+)  es NA !

 The dx's: A92ZE,A61AR,4X3A,5B4ADA ( all 599) ,VK6HD ( 559, usually 599 in
his sunrise) EA6AAC, UA9's and EU's.

  Good of  dx  -   VK6HD      11840 kM   24 points.
 Any EU's  stations gived  7 to 9 poins for qso,becose I am in the
east-east of parth of EU Russia.

Heared  5H3RK  in  his qso with S50U with RST 449,but in not 5H frq. 

RIG:   kW .
ANT:  mini 4sq - "4X4NJ" wiht 120 radials,
         bever. - 250m to JA ,300m to NA. 

Good luck!      HNY!
   Andrey.    mail to  rw4pl at mi.ru

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