[3830] Stew Perry W2GD M/S HP
w2gd at hotmail.com
w2gd at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 31 12:47:44 EST 2001
Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: W2GD
Operator(s): K2TW, N2OO, W2GD
Station: W2GD
Class: M/S HP
Grid Square: FM29
Operating Time (hrs): 14
QSOs: 455 Score: 1
Club: Frankford Radio Club
Station Description:
IC781 + Alpha 87A, IC746, TS930S
Transmit Antennas:
Delta Loop @ 165 feet broadside NE/SW
1/2 wave sloper @ 190 feet sloping toward W/NW
Transmit antennas are mounted above a salt marsh adjacent to Barnagat Bay.
Receive Antennas:
NE - Phased 2 ele beverage, 1000 feet long, 280 foot spacing
E - Terminated Beverage, 580 feet long
S/N - Unterminated Beverage, 700 + feet long
SW/NE - Unterminated Beverage, 580 feet long
W - Terminated Beverage, 580 feet long
NW/SE - Unterminated Beverage, 580 feet long
This was our first ever entry in the Stew Perry event and it proved to me much
more enjoyable than anticipated.
Some statistics:
455 QSOS
225 Grid Squares
33 DXCC Countries
65 DX Contacts (Non W/VE)
DX Countries: 9A, EA, EA6, EA8, EI, F, FM, G, GM, GW, DL, HA, I, K, KH6, LA,
OK, OM, ON, PA, PY, RA, S5, SM, T7, T9, UA2, VE, VK, XE, YO, YV, and ZF.
Heard CT1CJJ but he got away. Did not hear 4X, 5B4, JA, ZL or ZS....if you
called, very sorry.
This is a new 160M QTH for the Sandy Hook team this year so we wanted to use
the SP for some additional antenna testing in preparation for the CQ160 CW a
month from now.
Preceeding the contest the work party (K2TW, NO2R, W1GD and W2GD) up in place
three additional beverages (E, SW, and 2nd NE ele), expanding upon what we
already had erected for the ARRL 160 contest several weeks earlier. Fortunately
the weather along the NJ coastline on Saturday was sunny/cold, but dry...a good
day to walk about in the woods and salt marsh.
We got the station set up and ready to go about 2130Z, roughly 20 minutes
before local sunset. Two slave receivers, each with access to the new
compliment of receiving antennas, were wired up. As it turned out, having
three sets of ears to dig out callsigns and reports from extremely weak
stations proved invaluable. As reported by others on the 3830 reflector,
conditions were poor, but not horrible. At our location the band sounded very
quiet, with virtually no QRN, a perfect evening for low signal strength work.
We got off to a pretty good start with 64 qsos the first hour. FM5BH called in
just 13 minutes into the run, and HA5JI
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