w2gd at hotmail.com w2gd at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 24 16:22:55 EST 2001

                     ARRL DX Contest, CW
Call: W2GD
Operator(s): W2GD
Station: N2NT

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     89     48
   80:    175     62
   40:    525     89
   20:    670     98
   15:    580     97
   10:    896    103
Total:   2935    497  =  4,376,085

Club: FRC


Wow, what fabulous conditions!  But Murphy came to visit taking packet away 7 
of the first 10 hours and then again on Saturday evening for a while(but 
overall alot better than last year when an ice storm made it almost totally 
useless).  I need to be more of a contester and less of a DXer when operating 
from the states.  Found myself in S & P mode when I should have been running 
running running.  160M was a pleasant surprise, very quiet, and many loud EU 
stations to work.  Great EU run on 20M at 4 a.m. local time Sunday morning, 
kept me from taking my normal 2 hour nap, and paid the price for the remainder 
of the contest....found myself napping between CQs, would wake up after 5 to 50 
seconds to find I'd still be sending CQ TEST.... god knows if was intelligible.

A manditory family obligation Saturday night kept my overall operating time 
down but still had a great time.  Thanks to Andy, N2NT, for loaning me his 
awesome station.

CU all from P40W during the SSB weekend.  Remember to tune high in the band for 
the stuggling LP and QRP entrants.  160/80 on the hour and half-hour.

73, John W2GD

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