[3830] Florida Contest Group CW NAQP Award details

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz@gte.net
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 14:22:21 +0000

Since this didn't make it through on the CQ-Contest reflector, thought
I'd repost this here.

The Florida Contest Group is pleased to announce ...

The Florida Contest Group "WAC - Worked All Chads" Award

To qualify for the "Worked All Chad" Award, Amateurs must have made 25
QSO's with Florida Contest Group members who were active during the
2001 CW North American QSO Party.

Only QSO's with FCG members listed below, who were using the names 
"Chad", "Al", "Dubya", "Jeb", "Katherine", "Dick", or "George" can be 
used for award credit.

Stations may be counted for credit on each band worked (maximum of 6

To apply for the award, send an NAQP log extract of qualifying FCG
stations worked, to Jim White, K4OJ, 1508 West Patterson St, Tampa, FL
33604.  Please include $1 to cover printing and postage costs.

The list of qualifying stations for the "Worked All Chads" award are

"FCG #1 - Al and the Well Hung Chads"

N2NL @ K1PT - Al   (Al Gore)
K5KG - Chad
N4BP - Chad
K4LQ - Chad
WD4AHZ - Chad

"FCG #2 - Dubya and the Dimpled Chads"

K4OJ - Dubya   (George W. Bush. "Dubya" is Southern for "double-you")
N4RP - Chad
N4PK - Chad
K4XS - Chad
W4SAA @ N8PR - Chad

"FCG #3 - Jeb and the Swinging Chads"

NF4A - Jeb   (Jeb Bush, FL Governor and brother of George W.)
KN4Y - Chad
WØEBA - Chad 
KB4N - Chad
N4KW - Chad

"FCG #4 - Katherine and the Lost Chads"

W1YL - Katherine   (Katherine Harris, FL Sec. of State)
W4ZW - Chad
N4AO - Chad
W4/YV5DTA - Chad
K4FB - Chad

"FCG #5 - Dick and the Asymmetrical Chads"

W3TMZ - Dick   (Dick Cheney, VP to George W.) 
K9BG/4 - Chad
W4IR - Chad
W4SO - Chad
N4TO - Chad

"FCG #6 - George and the Clinging Chads"

W1CW - George  (George Bush, ex-President, father to George W. and Jeb)
N4OX - Chad
AE4RO (op AE4SW) - Chad

Also active, but not on a Team

N4OO - Chad
NP4Z - Chad
W7QF - Chad

The Florida Contest Group

One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000

WD4AHZ Homepage - http://www.qsl.net/wd4ahz              
Sarasota Emergency Radio Club - http://www.qsl.net/serc 
Florida Contest Group - http://www.qsl.net/fcg             
Florida QSO Party Apr. 28 & 29 - http://www.qsl.net/fqp

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com