[3830] Stew Perry IV3PRK SO HP

luisprk at tin.it luisprk at tin.it
Mon Jan 1 04:36:26 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: IV3PRK

Class: SO HP
Grid Square: JN66
Operating Time (hrs): 

QSOs:  148  Score: 657



Conditions should have been great with the K-index = 0 and a beatiful weather 
here around, ...but noise, noise and noise : what a pity !
Best QSO's with VK6HD and VK6VZ, both real 599, and 11 JA's, which contributed 
to almost half of the contest score.
Just a short opening towards NA between 03.30z to 04.30z and wkd only those 
stations above the high noise level (in ME,NH,IL,FL and ONT.
The QRN was even worse on a new 200 m. Beverage, so I could only receive on my 
usual 4-square mini-array. 
Thereafter only 18 european contacts until 07.20z (my sunrise was 06.50z)and 
daily that's the most productive DX time! ... what a strange unpredictable 
Band: is that the reason why we love it so much ??

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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