[3830] RAC W6TK SO AB HP Mixed Mode

Dick Stepanian w6tk at juno.com
Mon Jan 1 14:59:05 EST 2001

                                RAC SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 30-Dec-00

    Callsign Used : W6TK
         Operator : W6TK - Dick

         Category : SOHPAB MIXED MODE

 Default Exchange : 59(9) #

       Team/Club : SCCC

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW        5           5         42       2 
   80SSB       2           2         20       2 
   40CW       49          49        402       7 
   40SSB       1           1         10       1 
   20CW       57          57        436       8 
   20SSB     123         123       1124       9 
   15CW       54          54        360       6 
   15SSB      97          97        664       9 
   10CW       25          25        148       7 
   10SSB      29          29        172       8 

 Totals      442         442       3378      59 

    Final Score = 199302 points.

Soapbox:  Didn't think I was going to get as involved as I did...it was
fun and conditions were pretty good.  Ended up being lots of fun.  Had
call from local on Sta morning that SY2A was on 20 so had to take a break
and chase Apollo - finally got him for a new one!  Thanks for all the Q's
and a fun day.  73's till next time.

Dick - W6TK

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