[3830] Stew Perry N7IR SO QRP

gary.hembree at asu.edu gary.hembree at asu.edu
Tue Jan 2 18:32:28 EST 2001

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge
Call: N7IR

Class: SO QRP
Grid Square: DM43
Operating Time (hrs): 9

QSOs:  116  Score: 1,728



Good conditions from here to the east coast part of the time.  Heard the two 
Carribean stations but didn't waste any time trying to crack the pileups.  Best 
DX was KH6ND, followed closely by KH7A, with KL7RA third.  The receiving loop 
saved the day again by nulling out my single S9 noise source.  Time to go noise 
tracking again!
EQ: Elecraft K2 at 4.5 watts out, Tuned coax loop with W1FB preamp, 88' 
shunt-fed, top-loaded tower with 6 quarter wave radials.
See you all in the CQ160 CW test.
Gary, N7IR

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