[3830] AGCW HNY - HA1AG - LP

Zoli Pitman HA1AG ha1ag at compuserve.com
Tue Jan 2 22:40:01 EST 2001

             AGCW HAPPY NEW YEAR CONTEST -- 2000

      Call:      HA1AG
      Category:  100W
      Country:   Hungary
      AGCW Nr:   1711

      BAND     QSO     MULTIPLIERS    

       80       16        5   
       40      118       45   
       20       34        4   
     Total:    168   x   54 = 9072 points

Equipment: FT1000MP

Antenna: 80m, 40m:  Dipole
         20m:       3 ele Yagi

Remarks: It was a great fun to operate this contest. The activity
         exceeded my most optimist expectations. Thanks for Felix 
         DL5XL for reminding me to this contest and thanks for my 
         father HA1UF for letting me turning his tidy station 
         upside down after getting home from party at 7 AM...
         Being a member makes life difficult! I had to struggle 
         with the 4-digit membership number every time, and it 
         seems being a mult can't compensate this against the 
         non-members. (168 times 4 seconds = 672 seconds = 11
         minutes, which could have yielded an other 11 QSO) ;-))

         I wasted 3 minutes trying to break a pileup on a 599+ 
         DL8QS on 14023.6. Then I realized he was working on 
         7011.9. When I told him he said TU and continued...

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Zoli Pitman HA1AG (signed)

                 Somogyi Bela ut 18
                 9024 Gyor
                 Hungary, Europe

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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