[3830] RTTY Roundup K2NJ SOAB HP

k2nj at att.net k2nj at att.net
Mon Jan 8 13:51:46 EST 2001

                     ARRL RTTY Roundup
Call: K2NJ
Operator(s): K2NJ
Station: K2NJ

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 21.5

 Band     QSOs 
   80:     80
   40:    120
   20:    204
   15:    262     <-----Multipliers ----->
   10:    284   States  Provinces  DX   Total
Total:    950     46        9      62    117   =  111,150



RIG: IC761 > 35year old Heathkit SB220 (about 350W out before meltdown)
Ant: KT34XA ^ 70'  - 80M Zepp for 80/40m

Nice rates on hot bands, PSK was big disappointment, lotsa CQ - few
takers, and had to explain what a contest was!!!...

STRONG eu signals on 80 and 40 really surprised me.  Great JA signals
with very little flutter (easy print) towards end of contest...

I suggest now that there are no more US Novices (well, almost) that on 40m
the domestic QSO's should take place above 7100khz, leave the DX SSB
boys alone.

Had a 13 year old kid (friend of my son)come over (soon to be licensed) to 
watch, and with him here it forced me to operate a lot longer Saturday night 
than I usually do - I usually quit at 9pm or so... went past 11 (new record for
this old guy)..

Missed MT and DE, also VE1, VO and VY1
Three all-time new RTTY countries for me, so not a bad weekend.

Great "Point and click" Contest... Writelog performed flawless!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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