[3830] NAQP CW W5NN M/2

k5nz at aol.com k5nz at aol.com
Sun Jan 14 11:48:24 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: W5NN
Operator(s): W5ASP, K5GA, K5NZ
Station: K5NZ

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: tx
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     87     32
   80:    243     49
   40:    387     55
   20:    334     56
   15:    301     54
   10:    178     53
Total:   1529    299  =  457,171

Club/Team: TeamCramp.com


Wow!  Great contest!  Joe, W5ASP, came up this year to help put a little snap 
in our step and boy did it work. We usually have a very hard time keeping up on 
the high bands but this year we had a fantastic start!  When we moved to 40 we 
thought we really might have a chance to run with our rivals K0RF for a change 
and might even have a shot at the N5TJ record if we just did as well as last 
year on the low bands!  We were pumped, 40 was unreal and Joe was smoking on 
80!  Everything was falling into place until we went to what we thought would 
be a great 160 run.  Not to be.  160 just didn’t work for us this year (87/32 
OUCH!) and with just the same numbers as last year we would have broken the 
record.  Oh well, next year!

Congrats to K0RF and K5KA for some great scoring.  The win will be in the log 
checkers hands, which I believe will go to K0RF.  You see, I know I make many 
mistakes and when the contest is over, it’s over here.  No log massage.  I keep 
a list of mistakes I know as we go along on paper and I make those corrections 
after but never look through the log.  I believe that is part of the contest to 
get it right and when I get points taken away it makes me work harder next 
time.  If I get a golden log I know I deserved it.

As always, those of you that were so good to QSY  are what makes this fun.  
Thanks a million!  N8NA (DE), don’t know where you were all night Karl but 
thanks for those last minutes mults!

73 K5NZ

HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   18       0       0       0       0      87      57     144     144
   19       0       0       0      28      68      41     137     281
   20       0       0       0      61      46      15     122     403
   21       0       0       0      30      30      29      89     492
   22       0       0       0      46      42      31     119     611
   23       0       0      24      76      17       5     122     733

    0       0       0      62      69      10       0     141     874
    1       0      32     101      17       1       0     151    1025
    2       0      59      85       7       0       0     151    1176
    3       0      75      65       0       0       0     140    1316
    4      41      42      39       0       0       0     122    1438
    5      46      35      11       0       0       0      92    1530

  TOTAL    87     243     387     334     301     178  

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