[3830] NAQP CW K4NO SO

k4no at ispchannel.com k4no at ispchannel.com
Sun Jan 14 15:28:19 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: K4NO
Operator(s): K4NO
Station: K4NO

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6.5
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     75     32
   80:    179     46
   40:     81     35
   20:    118     32
   15:     39     18
   10:     47     17
Total:    539    180  =  97,020

Club/Team: SouthEastern Contest Club #1


first time SO2R effort.  Unfortunatley, I could only put in 6.5 hours so I 
can't compare this effort vs other full time single radio efforts. I had more 
fun in this one due to the second radiothan any other NAQP to date.

the 10/15 and 40 meter numbers are 2nd radio numbers.  Based on family events 
2100 til 0215, I wasn't able to be where I wanted to be when it was time to be 
there.  The 2nd radio add some new issues to address but well worth the effort.

Still, the NAQP is the best contest going.  Congrats to the guys with the big 

Greg K4NO

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