[3830] NAQP CW K5OY SO

teenymax at alltel.net teenymax at alltel.net
Mon Jan 15 01:21:12 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: K5OY
Operator(s): K5OY
Station: K5OY

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2

 Band     QSOs  Mults
   20:      9      8
   15:      8      6
   10:     11      7
Total:     28     21  =  588

Club/Team: Ozark Contest Club #2


It has been six months since my last confession...No, wait...it has been six 
months since I made a radio contact.  A new job, a new child and a new 
(temporary) QTH in a new town has all but put ham radio in the closet.  
Actually, I set up my TS-850 in a back closet, next to the water heater.  
Running a piece of coax through a PVC exhaust vent, it connects to a 33 foot 
inverted V that resonates quite nicely on 14.010!  With layers of rust adhered 
to my synapses, I decided to S & P for familiar calls, thus making copying CW 
easier.  Great!!  There's K4OJ.  He's loud.  I send.  He responds.  
D........U........what the heck is going one here!!!  I listen to his next few 
Qs, embarassed that my copying skills have gone completely down the toilet.  
Then, I realize and chuckle at what is going on.  A cozy feeling wraps around 
me like an old, favorite blanket.  The fun of ham radio and contesting! 
Running 10 watts and numerous errands limited my totals.  And a rare date with 
my wife to go see a movie ended my day at 2330, but what a great time!!!  
Conditions seemed great and I even got a few nice mults like MT and VO1.  Also, 
since this is the first sunspot peak I've operated since being licensed, I have 
now experienced, first hand, what the "old timers"  had been telling me.  You 
can work 10 meters with 5 watts and a wet noodle!!!
Thanks for the Qs. 
This is fun!!!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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