aa4lr at arrl.net aa4lr at arrl.net
Mon Jan 15 11:23:37 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7.5

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:      5      5
   80:     72     30
   40:     51     27
   20:     87     35
   15:     37     17
   10:     11      6
Total:    263    120  =  31,560

Club/Team: South East Contest Club


Team: South East Contest Club #1

125 foot doublet at 25 feet (80m-40m)
R7000 at 8 feet (160m,40-10m)
Delta loops in attic at 25 feet (15m,10m)
Kenwood TS-430S running 90 watts out  max (average 70 watts)
21 year-old homebrew CMOS keyer


My best NAQP score ever! Time somewhat limited by my daughter Kate's 7th 
birthday party. About 85% S & P. I did manage to get a few small runs going. 
Last August, I found my neighbor K9AY and he moved me through 6 bands. This 
time, K9AY found me, and I moved him through 6 bands. Thanks, Gary! I did 
remember to switch antennas this time!

This is the first CW contest in that wasn't lots of work. After about 5 years 
of practice, I'm finally starting to copy in my head. Even the fastest CW 
stations didn't sound so fast. Still too many repeats especially for name.

Came by N4BP and I thought, "Great! I'll work Bob." He sent me a name I didn't 
copy, because it certainly wasn't "Bob". On the repeat, I copied "Chad", which 
was good for a laugh. The first of many FL stations using that name.

Since I used the R7000 for 160m, "Golden Ears" awards are in order for the 
following stations: K8ND, N4GN,  WO4O and N9FH. That's OH, KY, TN and WI from 
GA. Amazing!

Signal levels were amazingly strong for low power. I found that sometimes it 
was easier to copy fast CW by putting in the 20dB attenuator. This reduced AGC 
pumping and gave the CW a softer sound.

Worked several SECC members: K4OGG on two bands, K4BAI called ME on 80m, 
KA9EKJ, K9AY on 6 bands. Didn't hear any others -- they probably were S & Ping 
along with me.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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