jms403 at psu.edu jms403 at psu.edu
Mon Jan 15 20:44:27 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: WE9V
Operator(s): KB3AFT
Station: WE9V

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:    122     42
   80:    133     44
   40:    160     47
   20:    153     46
   15:     91     38
   10:     60     32
Total:    719    249  =  179,031

Club/Team: SMC 1


Many thanks to Chad/WE9V and his wife for letting an east coaster invade the 
station for a day.  Hadn't even been a resident of IL for 48 hours at the start 
of the 'test.  Never expected to be operating a contest my first weekend in the 
black hole, from a great station no less!  Gotta thank Paul/K9PG for helping me 
find a chair for NAQP CW and hooking me up with WE9V.   

Used Writelog for the first time...very cool program.  I couldn't have picked a 
better name to use in this one!

Big difference between operating in PA vs. WI.  160 was outrageous!

Got so fixated with the second radio that I let the main rig's rate slip at 
times...really hurt the overall Q total...also messed up my off 
times...couldn't get all the off time in before darkness set in.


Jim KB3AFT/9   

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