kl9a at qsl.net kl9a at qsl.net
Sun Jan 21 01:35:44 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: W7UQ
Operator(s): KL9A
Station: W7UQ

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     38     17
   80:     96     30
   40:    106     43
   20:    402     56
   15:    316     53
   10:    255     45
Total:   1213    244  =  295,972

Club/Team: WWYC


Lots of fun! Just the small University of Idaho club station... TH7 and some 
kind of wire on 40-160 through a tuner.  It seemed to work OK!  It's 
frustrating missing WA/OR/ID/MT/UT etc etc on 10-20!  Missed a lot of easy 
mults, and 10 was horrible here.  I think I moved 10 NM stations from 15-10 and 
not one of them worked.  Almost all my moves didn't work!  Oh well... my best 
NAQP ever, but that's not saying much!  Thanks for all the q's and QSY's... see 
everyone in the next one.  Oh yeah... congrats to N6MJ for his score... talk 
about insane.  
-Chris KL9A (ex WL7KY and Dan in NAQP SSB 2001)
kl9a at qsl.net

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