[3830] NAQP SSB VE6AO M/2

nancy.grant at bissett.com nancy.grant at bissett.com
Sun Jan 21 20:21:39 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: VE6AO
Operator(s): VE6TC, MIKE; VE6EX,MIKE
Station: VE6AO

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: Calgary AB
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band     QSOs  Mults
Total:   1534    253  =  385,319



Our Multi-2::   1.  FT1000 plus the arrays at 100', Bencher tribander, 2el on 
40, and a multitude of wires for Mike VE6TC and me.
                2.  TS940SAT plus the field day trailer tower and 3el TH3 at 
50'; the trusty multiband vertical and of course the low dipoles for Dan VE6EX 
(also a Michael)  We both had a collection of coax stubs to help out on 
inter-station mess.

  Contest Friends:
   Well, you have to admit the condx. sure were what new records are made of. 
At least on the top bands. Three hours into the event we (I) lost the all so  
necessary field day tribander; so Murphy was present as usual. My partner  
Michael got his first exposure to **TRLOG**, and we both did'nt have a clue how 
to do a multi-2. Thank You Don VE6JY for the guiding help , and the Q's. I 
would have had us doing a pair of single ops with extra time HI! For the 
record, a low 40 meter sloping dipole out- shoots a hi swr tribander (untunable 
with the rig tuner), and completely blows away a slightly raised multiband 
vertical on 15m. However a beat out tribander still puts the thumb on the 
   But---Mike, completely raw to ***TRLOG*** INSTANTLY adapted to my fresh 
version of TR. Somehow I did'nt mess up our very first metwork, and the start 
saw us running in the high 200's, briefly over 300, so proof that it can be 
done, or beginners luck. I surely noticed the lack of battles/jamming that has 
become so mormal contest weekend. Everybody seemed very happy to be on.
  See you on 160,
  Dan, VE6EX..

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