Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB VE2ZP at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 21 22:44:59 EST 2001

Here's my score in the ARRL VHF SS:

Band  QSOs Grids   best DX
50      22    11   VO1GO GN38 1700km
144     30    13   WØRSJ FN20 550km
432     14     6   VE3AX FN02 400km
All     66    30 ==> 2,400 a personal best

Yaesu FT-726 + 2m amplifier

50MHz: 10w and 3el yagi up 88ft
144MHz: 80w and 15el yagi up 90ft
432MHz: 10w and 11el yagi up 20ft

Another quiet VHF contest.  Apart from a very brief Es opening to VO1GO, all
three bands on which I operated seemed flat.  I did hear one
Auroral-sounding CW signal on 2m, but only for a few seconds on Sunday
afternoon, not long enough to even identify the station, let alone make a

This was my first time making any substantial (by my standards) number of
QSOs on 432 and I was surprised by what I could work with 10w into an 11el
yagi up only 20ft.  I'm now looking for an amplifier and receiver pre-amp
for 70cm.

By the June contest, I will definitely be on 222MHz as well.

I found 50MHz tougher this time, as my amplifier was out of commission and I
ran only 10w on that band.


Dave VE2ZP (FN25bj)

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