[3830] NAQP SSB WJ1Z M/2

kk1l at arrl.net kk1l at arrl.net
Tue Jan 23 10:30:13 EST 2001

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: WJ1Z
Operator(s): WJ1Z, KK1L, K1KD, K1WEY
Station: WJ1Z

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     47     21
   80:    263     52
   40:    339     49
   20:    766     56
   15:    267     45
   10:    412     44
Total:   2094    267  =  559,098

Club/Team: YCCC


Radios: FT1000D, FT1000MP.5, TS-850
Antennas: C31XR at 55', M2 5el20m at 45', 40mGP, 80mGP, Windom160

We decided to use WJ1Z this year rather than KK1L and invite a couple extra 
operators over. We had a great time. We tried to balance the cost/benefit 
relationship between the knee deep snow and severly frosty weather versus 
temporary station improvments just for the contest. Based on the fine 
multiplier and 160m totals from N9NS, we need to weigh the equation differently 
next year! I spoke with one of the ops there before the contest, and I 
confidently spoke of winning this year (attitude is the key!!!). I have to 
admit to some level of intimidation when we started talking aluminum.

We had a FANTASTIC time. Four operators is perfect to keep the stations manned, 
and allows for real time strategy discussions. We hung out on 10m for quite a 
while as the rate was neck and neck with 20m. When we went to 15m for the first 
time we worked 177 Qs in the first hour...smokin! We ran into a 30minute or so 
lull around 01:30. The rates DOVE into the toilet, then picked up. We are not 
sure what happened there.

73 es God Bless de KK1L, ron <><

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