[3830] NAQP SSB KH6ND M/2

kh6nd at lava.net kh6nd at lava.net
Wed Jan 24 00:56:59 EST 2001

North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: KH6ND
Operator(s): KH6ND, K9QQ
Station: KH7R

Class: M/2
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:      2      1 
   80:     21     10
   40:    262     50
   20:    415     61
   15:    850     66
   10:   1001     66
Total:   2551    254  =  647,954

UTC   160   80   40   20   15   10  rate total

18Z     0    0    0    0  164  245   409   409
19Z     0    0    0    0  113  175   288   697
20Z     0    0    0    0  103  184   287   984
21Z     0    0    0    0   22   90   112  1096 - Gee, tnx Mr. Flare
22Z     0    0    0    0   85  171   256  1352
23Z     0    0    0    0  131  105   236  1588
00Z     0    0    0   72  118    3   193  1781
01Z     0    0    0   85   76   28   189  1970
02Z     0    0    9  138   38    0   185  2155
03Z     0    0  111  120    0    0   231  2386
04Z     0   13   81    0    0    0    94  2480
05Z     2    8   61    0    0    0    71  2551

tot     2   21  262  415  850 1001  ----  2551

Comments - K9QQ: Sincere thanks to KH6ND for agreeing to team up,
configure the station, and take a run at the record.  Was over 200 Qs
behind Mike on 15 when the flare hit and the band disappeared--thought
we were hosed for sure.  It came back strong though.  Everyone CQed
in my face for the first 15 minutes or so on 40.  Was suprised to find a
quiet freq after that though and the rate picked up for the last couple
hours.  Only frustration was lack of W1 mults.  Only remember working
MA; not sure if it was a strategic error or lack of activity. 
Appreciate all the guys that checked in and tried to move to 80 and 160
to work us, but it just wasn't happenin. Congrats to my fellow SMCers at
K9NS for their superb score.

Comments - KH6ND: The plan was to 
1) make 2500 Q's, and  
2) hope for decent low band conditions to fill out the mult total. 
Well... we got the first half of the plan right, anyway.  When the
bottom dropped out of 20m at 4z and I was forced to move to 80, well...
the hundreds of futile calls made to S8-9 stations CQing away on 80 with
few takers has given me a new appreciation for the expression "CQing in
my face". 80 and 160 were brutal. The last hour had me removing bandpass
filters, swapping radios, and changing jumpers, all to no avail. We just
were not being heard. Wish we had more than 1 hour of darkness to work
with here. Since this is the first NAQP multi from HI that we are aware
of, we can't be too unhappy with the final result. My team-mate, Brian,
K9QQ, did a great job. Thanks for the fun, (and the frustration :-) And
thanks to Ken, KH7R, for letting us run this one.
See you on 160 with more than 100 watts this weekend.

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