[3830] CQ160 CW N1EU SO HP

n1eu at yahoo.com n1eu at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 28 08:33:14 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: N1EU
Operator(s): N1EU
Station: N1EU

Class: SO HP
QTH: Albany, NY
Operating Time (hrs): 

QSOs: 801  States/Provinces: 55  Countries: 45  Score: 277,800


The forces of propagation smiled on us Topbanders this weekend, although most 
of the smiling was admittedly on day 1.  Propagation to the west coast was 
incredible, with 56 pacific coast stations worked.  But the big surprise was 
when the curtains opened on Europe around 0520Z the first night.  Earlier in 
the evening, propagation into Europe didn't seem that promising (many heard, 
few were hearing) but then things changed dramatically.  During the following 
two hours up until European sunrise, my hour rate climbed to 90, and 87 
ten-pointers were logged (119 total for day one).  Europeans kept calling and 
calling.  It was quite exhilarating, to say the least.  At the same time, 
western US stations were just pounding in, as loud as locals.

Unfortunately, condx the second day fell far short, and propagation into Europe 
was mediocre, start to finish.  The European sunrise enhancement never really 
happened.  The rate generally slowed W-A-Y down as the well ran dry.  I logged 
only 10 ten-pointers day two, although I have to admit purposely avoiding the 
ugly feeding frenzy pileups that materialized at the drop of a packet spot.  
The worst that packet has to offer was apparent as it was quite evident that 
stations were calling the dx without hearing - calling right over them in the 
middle of their xmsn, or responding to a different callsign, etc.  Not to 
mention inordinate tail-ending so nobody could pick up the callsign the dx came 
back to.  What is the solution to this?  Experiment with no packet next year?  
That would require folks to actually hear the dx station and what they're 
sending - a novel idea  ;-)

Thanks to Riki and Mike for pulling me out day two for the weekend's WAC.  

Where was South Dakota?

Thanks for all the q's 

Barry  N1EU

Equipment: FT-1000MP, Centurion amp at 1000watts
Inv L, two 580ft Beverages

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