[3830] CQ160 CW KI9A SO HP

ki9a at aol.com ki9a at aol.com
Sun Jan 28 09:47:01 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: KI9A
Operator(s): KI9A
Station: KI9A

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

QSOs: 412  States/Provinces: 50  Countries: 7  Score: 51,414


As with all 160 contests from here, just got on to give out Q's.  Tough to do 
anything big with no listening antennas, but condx were SO good, I could not 
resist. West coast guys sounded like 10 meters, many +20 to +30 signals, VP5F 
was at +30 also. Got on about 12:44z Saturday, before the local hamfest, & 
found both KH6CC & KH6ND on, at +20!!  I have never heard KH6 any louder than 
S8 in the past 3 years at this QTH.  Just awesome! I missed all of the VE1 
mults, VE5, VE8/VY1, ND, DC & NV for sweep.
Not bad for a "perverted-L" antenna. ( Up 50', over 50', then back down 25')!

73 & cu in Sprint next week!
Chuck KI9A

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