[3830] CQ160 CW N5RG SO HP

n5rg at itexas.net n5rg at itexas.net
Sun Jan 28 15:31:06 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: N5RG
Operator(s): N5RG
Station: N5RG

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22

QSOs: 739  States/Provinces: 55  Countries: 21  Score: 141,816


First of all I would like to thank CQ magazine for a fun time and also for 
thier article about a 160m coaxial invt. L by Ted Cohen (N4XX) that is in the 
January 2001 issue. I assembled it the week before the contest and it is well 
within reasonable limits of standing wave across the entire 160m band. 
I am a neophyte to 160m and I am really enjoying it.
I also appreciate the help of W5TM in getting my beverages put together, K5ZD 
for his article on the YCCC web page on putting up a 50 dollar beverage and the 
top band reflector for all the FB info that can be had there.
The contest was an all around learning experience as I expected to work many 
more JA than EU from TX. It turned out just the other way around. Only 4 JA and 
18 EU. Only G3N, OT1T and OT1A from here on Friday night and no JA Sat. 
Conditions were much better on Sat. night and some EU called me as I was CQing.
Signals were really good from all of them and peaking s6 to 7 around 0700.
Also was surprised to hear/work EA8/OH2BYS just before sunset on Sat. evening.
I set my goal very high I thought (100,000 points) but made that easily if I 
dont have too many errors in the log.
Tnx to all for the QSOs and the patience while I tried to make out a callsign 
and report. I will be back with more beverage RX stuff next season for sure.
I am sure I missed several QSOs which were trying to call from off the sides of 
the beverages.

Icom 765 with AL1200 @ 1 KW
2 880 foot beverage. 1 NW X SE and 1 NE X SW neither terminated yet.
Coaxial Inverted L as described in January CQ mag. with 30 125 foot radials.

73, Bob

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