[3830] CQ160 CW W4WA(K9AY) SO HP

gary at noblepub.com gary at noblepub.com
Mon Jan 29 12:38:30 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: W4WA
Operator(s): K9AY
Station: W4WA

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

QSOs: 1056  States/Provinces: 55  Countries: 50  Score: 347,130


Thanks for the use of the fine W4WA antenna farm, Ron!  Looks like I'm about 
100 10-point QSOs behind W4ZV and AA1K (nice job, guys!).  The Saturday EU 
opening was great, but there were lots of stations calling that were below the 
noise, QRM and key-clicks level.  Either need more RX antennas or better ESP!

Missed DC, VE8, VY1 and all the Maritimes except VE1.

73, Gary

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